Official Netzsch supplier
AMCOR is the official supplier of Netzsch in the Russian Federation and CIS. We supply all the necessary pump equipment to meet your demand to the maximum, because we understand and know your processes.
Another advantage is our range of gear connections for every application, no matter how demanding. Last but not least, we supply a wide range of options and accessories for NETZSCH pumps as well as qualified service, because we want you to remain in close contact with AMCOR even after your pump has been put into operation.
Netzsch Pumps- complex and uncompromising solutions for all industries. NETZSCH has been developing, producing and servicing high-quality, innovative pumping systems for six decades and at five locations worldwide.
NETZSCH pumps cover everything from the smallest dosing pumps with flow rates from a few ml to high performance pumps that pump up to 1000 m³/h. AMCOR is the official supplier of NETZSH shredders and a wide range of accessories from NETZSCH pumps.
Individual pump selection
Each individual pump is fine-tuned to individual requirements for optimum performance, service life and reliability. The pumps are available with element transport in four different rotor/stator geometries, so you can always find the right solution for your application.
NETZSCH's Pumps business unit is the world's leading manufacturer of hollow-core pumps, screw and multiscrew pumps and related products and is part of the Netzsch family of companies.
To maintain and further expand this global market leadership, NETZSCH makes continuous internal corporate updates. This affects the business unit as a whole, NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH as head office, as well as their branches and subsidiaries. 60 years of experience in a wide range of industries and processes and 40 years of pump design and manufacturing experience.
To meet the ever increasing demand for our pumps and the accompanying demand for spare parts, NETZSCH has invested in a new 4,000 m² production hall in Waldkreiburg to manufacture elastomeric parts using the latest production methods and end product standards. Along with five extruders, kits for making conventional tubular stators and injection molding machines and presses, iFD stators, petals and casings for rotary vane pumps were also purchased for production.
NETZSCH pumps with their long service life result in a significant reduction in operating costs. NETZSCH pumps are used as multi-phase pumps, which means that gas-oil-water mixtures and various solids are transferred simultaneously or alternately.
AMCOR cooperates with the pump manufacturer "Netzsch Pumps" and supplies its customers with equipment directly from the manufacturer.