EDR Stacks
Service and upgrade
Producers of petroleum products around the world depend on a reliable supply of hydrocarbons. Therefore, countries with abundant oil reserves have a great influence on the global economy. The refining and chemical industries consume enormous quantities of raw materials and, as a consequence, oil and gas production in the world is enormous. While the share of oil in total energy consumption in 1900 was 3 percent, today it is 65 percent.
Membrane module MBR
Associated Machinery Corporation Limited is a manufacturer of membrane filtration equipment in the People's Republic of China. The purpose of our production activities is to provide customers with the opportunity to improve water quality. We provide essential technological equipment that protects and improves the quality of life for all mankind. The production produces industrial complex water treatment systems, designed taking into account the needs of the customer. The engineers of our company carry out commissioning of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration and microfiltration plants, controlling the parameters of water treatment that best meet the requirements of an industrial enterprise.
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